January 29, 2007
by: jovial_cynic
It's official. I'm a church elder at my local church. As I stated before in this post, I want to start another blog that outlines my journey as church elder.

Check out glass elder (also found in the "MY OTHER BLOGS" section on the side-navigation).
np category: personal


Lucaso said:
Congrats oh glassy one!
January 30, 2007

The Conservative Manifesto said:
January 30, 2007

jovial_cynic said:
Thanks. It's kind of weird being congratulated for such a thing, though -- the work of an elder is to serve, primarily. It's like being congratulated for being chosen to sweep up the floors. But I'll take it. :)
January 31, 2007

The Conservative Manifesto said:
You truly are a cynic through and through. Of course you should be thanked for serving. Should we not thank the military for serving? Should we not thank volunteers at homeless shelters for what they do?

You're serving to strengthen the body of Christ. I think that more than deserves thanks from fellow Christians.


January 31, 2007

The Conservative Manifesto said:
Okay, I just realized that I was speaking of 'thanks' and you were referring to being 'congratulated.'

It's definitely hump day here at the office.

Anywho... while the two obviously have their differences, I think it's still appropriate to say "congrats" to someone who has been chosen for an important role in the Church.


January 31, 2007

jovial_cynic said:
haha... I'll take your "thanks," and let the rest roll off. :)
January 31, 2007

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