Balance: Magic


Magic in Isora is not merely a force or an energy to be used. It’s a manifestation of the world’s tension and balance. Every magic user taps into the interplay of opposites: creation and destruction, harmony and discord, energy and entropy. This balance is central to how magic is both used and understood in Isora.

When imbalance occurs (through overuse, reckless casting, or misuse), the world itself can push back, manifesting in unpredictable ways.

While Magic Users are traditionally viewed as stewards of peace through Balance in Isora, some have chosen the path of Chaos, believing in the power of an underlying pendulum of the universe that will sort things out naturally.


Gameplay Note:

Magic flows along the Sacred Lines, so a spell attack that would send a blast of fire requires the Magic User to find and manipulate the Line between themselves and their target. Similarly, a powerful teleport spell would require the caster to magically transport themselves along the Sacred line between their current and their desired destination.


All magic in Isora exists either as Spells or as Flux. Flux is a minor version of a spell, and doesn’t drain the magic user the way Spells do. While Spells deduct from a character’s Discipline Stat, Flux does not.

Examples of Flux:

  • Fire + Death can be used a 2d6 attack, or create a torch-sized amount of fire.
  • Water + Death can be used as a 2d6 attack, or it can render a small container of water undrinkable.


Note: Damage from Spells uses the Combat Injury Table based on the power of the spell. Flux spells are equivalent to 2-point weapons.


Magic Users



[Table of Contents]


Balance: The World of Isora © 2025 NEWPROTEST Publishing