Balance: Stats


This section describes the features of the Character Sheet.

Core Stats

Characters are defined by four Core Stats: Brawn, Reflex, Discipline, and Wit. At Character creation, players select a Character Class, which is based on a primary Core Stat, complemented by a secondary Stat. A complete list of available Character Classes are in the Classes chapter.

The four Core Stats are associated with Attributes, and Attributes are the basis of several bonuses and additional points that are used in the game.


  • Force: Strength, lifting, pushing, kicking
  • Damage: Damage or injury when striking
  • Fortitude: Endurance, sturdiness, additional health points
  • Dodge: Avoiding injury or attacks
  • Throw: Precision, aim
  • Acrobatics: Balance, nimbleness, stealthiness
  • Attune: Magic skill
  • Knowledge: Memory, information
  • Understanding: Wisdom, problem solving
  • Negotiate: Intimidation, influence
  • Insight: Attention to detail, pattern matching
  • Charm: Friendliness, de-escalation

Stat Points

Stat Points are equal in value to the value of the Core Stats. Each of the four Core Stats (Brawn, Reflex, Discipline, and Wit) plays a role in the various actions/enhancements during gameplay.

Stat Points can be spent, and they replenish fully after Long Rest, and half (rounded-down) after Short Rest.

Note: Spending Stat Points does not affect action scores that rely on your Core Stats or skill rolls. Stat Points values are separate from Core Stat values, which do not change during gameplay unless explicitly stated.


Health Points typically start at 4, and indicate how many injuries a character can take before succumbing to their wounds. Points in the Brawn: Fortitude attribute are added to the total Health Points.


The Defense Rating is comprised of bonuses from Reflex: Dodge, Class bonuses, armor, magic, and other enhancements. In most cases, this results in points that are added to the 2d6 Defense Dice roll, but there are circumstances that add additional dice to the Defense roll as well.


Characters are either Balanced suffer from Imbalance. This is determined by adding the Core Stat values for their two Body-related stats (Brawn and Reflex) and comparing it to their two Mind-related stats (Discipline and Wit). If the two numbers are equal, the character is Balanced. If the two numbers are not equal, the character has Imbalance and can suffer penalties during combat and action rolls.

The amount of Imbalance is determined by the numeric distance between the two numbers. For example, if their Body-related stats add up to 5, and the two Mind-related Stats add up to 3, the numeric distance between the two is 2. (This is calculated by taking the larger of the two numbers (5) and subtracting the smaller number (3) from it: 5 – 3 = 2). This character would have 2 points of Imbalance.

balance shock 

Balance Shock points are tallied to indicate penalties that have been suffered from Imbalance for the day. 

LUCKY / Endure Points

The number of points spent on Lucky Rolls and the Endure ability. The combined total of these two boxes cannot be greater than the character’s Primary Stat Points without penalty. 


Fatigue is the penalty of spending more Lucky / Endure points than available Primary State Points. If Fatigue is 1, the character suffers Penalty Dice on their Primary Core Stat rolls. If Fatigue is 2, the character suffers Penalty Dice on all Action and Combat rolls. If Fatigue is 3, the character is unconscious.



[Table of Contents]  [Game Concepts]


Balance: The World of Isora © 2025 NEWPROTEST Publishing