We have a published book!

I suppose I could have posted this back on the 10th when the book “officially” went live, but between the accidental early-release of the audiobook on Audible and the fact that Amazon’s version of August 10th is apparently the evening of August 9th in my time-zone, it doesn’t really matter. The book is live NOW and the the sales have taken off considerably more than I anticipated.

Because the novel is deeply personal to me, I was quite content to have a life-time sales of maybe 50 copies of my book. I figured that would cover the hard costs (the book cover, the ISBN, and maybe some initial copies that I’d keep on hand). I think the life-time sales of most self-published books is around 100.

Today, we are 4 days into the official launch of my book, and we’ve already broken 56 purchases across all three platforms (paperback, Kindle, and Audible), with a number of sales not yet reported. I’m absolutely blown away by the response, and I’ve had a number of people tell me that they’ve bought a copy for themselves AND a friend.

I have no idea how far this is going to go, but I’m extremely pleased. To have met my personal goal in less than a week is phenomenal, and it’s really just encouraged me to write even more. I’ve already started the preliminary groundwork for book #2, which will be the second story of the trilogy. I can’t wait to get it done and have you all read them!

Thanks so much to everyone who has followed me so far. It means the world to me!